Watch the Glory 23 Live Stream Here Tonight | Start Time 11PM EDT/03AM GMT

GLORY 23 LAS VEGAS will be Geo-blocked in the USA and Ex-Yugoslavia
Start time- 11:00PM EDT/ 03:00GMT $9.99

Nieky Holzken vs. Raymond Daniels
Xavier Vigney vs. Daniel Sam
Middleweight semi: Dustin Jacoby vs. Ariel Sepulveda
Middleweight semi: Casey Greene vs. Quinton O’Brien
Anderson Silva vs Jamal Ben Saddik
Matt Baker vs Edward Hyman
Murthel Groenhart vs. Chad Sugden
Giga Chikadze vs. Anvar Boynazarov


Ingo Weigold


Co-Host of the weekly MMANUTS MMA Podcast. Matt introduced the UFC and mixed martial arts to me a few years back and I’ve been addicted ever since. In 2008 we started training in Krav Maga until we found Comprido BJJ in 2009 which we call home now. Currently training in Thai Boxing, Wrestling, and Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, the latter of which is my favorite martial art. Love every aspect of MMA and especially find the ground game the most interesting.