About Us

The Chicago based MMA Podcast that walks the line between serious and ridiculous with views from Ingo Weigold, Matt Griffith and the Magic 8 Ball to keep us in check. Covering major MMA events by the UFC, Bellator, and others.

Join our team in the discussion as we cover the fastest growing sport in the world with our own unique twist.


The Team


  • Matt Griffith

    Twitter Email

    Producer and Co-Host of the weekly MMANUTS MMA Podcast. Watched the first UFC live on PPV back in 1993 and I’ve been hooked since. I’ve been training in Wrestling, Tae Kwon Do, Boxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Krav Maga, and Muay Thai at one time or another over the past 20+ years. Diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2003 and been living on a gluten free diet ever since.

  • Ingo Weigold

    Twitter Email Website

    Co-Host of the weekly MMANUTS MMA Podcast. Matt introduced the UFC and mixed martial arts to me a few years back and I’ve been addicted ever since. In 2008 we started training in Krav Maga until we found Comprido BJJ in 2009 which we call home now. Currently training in Thai Boxing, Wrestling, and Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, the latter of which is my favorite martial art. Love every aspect of MMA and especially find the ground game the most interesting.