Team Nogueira Stands Behind Rousimar Palhares

It hasn’t been an easy few weeks to be Rousimar Palhares, that much we all know. After his impressive win over Mike Pierce there was a lot of talk about him holding onto the hold for a few seconds too long after the referee had stopped the fight. This led to his dismissal from the UFC and for everyone denouncing the guy as some kind of monster. Well, it looks like his current team is standing behind him, as the Nogueira brothers spoke out about his character, claiming that he is a great guy who would never intentionally hurt anyone.

“I can say that in our gym, ‘Toquinho’ has never hurt anyone,” Rodrigo “Minotauro” Nogueira, the leader of Team Nogueira in Rio de Janeiro, stated in a release sent to “He is a good person, excellent company and a man with a great character. I believe that he has never thought of doing anything evil to any opponent because this isn’t his conduct.

“I don’t question UFC’s decision because the people who are in control have a global view of the business and they understand it better than anyone in the whole business that involves our sport.”

What do you think? Was Paul Harris just put in a bad situation and is really a good guy? Or does he have a history with this stuff?