Robbie Lawler Stops Jake Ellenberger

Stephen R. Sylvanie-USA TODAY Sports

It’s almost impossible to really soak in, but Robbie Lawler in 2014 is the best Robbie Lawler that we’ve ever seen. We’ve heard that kind of hyperbole a lot with fighters, but for some reason with Robbie Lawler it rings incredibly true. He was a breath away from being the UFC Welterweight Champion and tonight he was able to put the very tough Jake Ellenberger down in the third round.

What’s crazy is that while Ellenberger put forth a valiant effort, he was never really threatening Robbie throughout most of the fight. There aren’t many people who would have predicted this kind of run from Robbie a few years ago. We tip our non-fedora hat to him and his huge win at UFC 173.