Ed Soares thinks Anderson’s loss just humanizes him.

Ed Soares thinks Anderson’s loss just humanizes him further, and he’s right. He’s a guy who got caught, and handled the situation beautifully. If this were Westeros, heads would’ve rolled, but Anderson just smiled and thanked everyone for watching him become the ninja that he is. It’s the haters and people with agendas that spin it into something different. Anderson is a cocky ass, sure, but he’s also a family man, and as Ed says here: a great person. Read on.

“I think it just humanizes Anderson,” said Soares.

“I think it’s just part of the business that we’re in. Eventually you’re going to lose, and it was unfortunate that he had to lose that way, but he did. But like I said, one night is not going to erase what he’s done in the past seven years. He made a mistake, and in this sport, you make a mistake, you move left instead of moving right, you zig instead of zagging, you could get knocked out. That’s what ended up happening to Anderson. It could happen to anybody on any day.”

“I believe you get to see what Anderson’s like in that video that got put out. You get to see a little bit of the side of Anderson that most people don’t get to see. At the end of the day he’s a human being. He’s just like you and I. He’s got feelings and he’s a great person. We were all upset that he lost that fight and he was too, but that’s what’s going to show the world the legend that he is, is when he comes back and how he comes back from something like this.”

“I just think that [Silva is] going to go in there and take care of business. That’s what I feel very confident about. I don’t know what his game plan is going to be. I think it’s still too early, but I believe in Anderson Silva and whatever he decides to do, I have faith in him.”