UFC Fight Night 55 Q&A: Matt Brown, Uriah Hall & Alex Chambers

Matt Brown, Uriah Hall and Alex Chambers will be taking fan questions at the UFC Fight Night Sydney: Fight Club Q&A live at 8 p.m. ET on Thursday, November 6th at the Allphones Arena in Sydney, Australia.

Watch the UFC Fight Night 55 fan Q&A in the video above.


Chris Pagliuca


Chris Pagliuca is 20 years old and was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. Chris is a huge MMA fan and trains in both Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai. He is a featured writer and editor who has previously worked with NewYorkSportsWorld.com and SportsUnbiased.com. Chris is currently the owner of SportsofAnarchy.com and is the lead writer for mmanuts.com. In addition, Chris is the co-host of the MMA Discussion Podcast. You can find Chris on Twitter @ChrisPagliuca (shameless self-promotion).