What do you think of this piledriver from XFC 24 last night?


XFC came dangerously close to a bad WWE moment when Eric Reynolds seemingly pulled off  a piledriver maneuver on his helpless at the time opponent, Kevin Forant with this extremely illegal move. Spiking your opponents head is absolutely illegal in the unified rules, and almost every other ruleset, so even though the fight went on, there may be some disciplinary action. As you can see, this is rather blatant.


Jason Nawara


Jason Nawara figured out a way to make a living discussing the things he loves most in life; MMA, football and videogames. For that, he'll forever be eternally grateful. Aside from writing on the Nuts, you may have read his MMA/Videogame coverage on MiddleEasy.com, or followed him on Twitter @JasonNawara. Jason covers horror games for the massively popular Bloody-Disgusting.com, and he's a Community Manage and NFL beat writer for Topps' Huddle app. Reach out and touch him. He likes it when he's touched.