Watch JOhny Hendricks and Jamie Varner do the Spartan Race.

The idea of trying to break yourself down and bring yourself to primitive levels, chucking spears, trudging through mud. It’s a weird phenomenon, but it’s very much out there, and the idea of tearing away all inhibitions and just plain old kicking ass is something that MMA fighters make a living doing, so I guess it makes sense that Johny Hendricks and Jamie Varner chose to do the insane Reebok Spartan Race.

Here’s the footage.


Jason Nawara


Jason Nawara figured out a way to make a living discussing the things he loves most in life; MMA, football and videogames. For that, he'll forever be eternally grateful. Aside from writing on the Nuts, you may have read his MMA/Videogame coverage on, or followed him on Twitter @JasonNawara. Jason covers horror games for the massively popular, and he's a Community Manage and NFL beat writer for Topps' Huddle app. Reach out and touch him. He likes it when he's touched.