Vitor Belfort Just Leveled Luke Rockhold With a Spinning Back Kick to the Face

New old Vitor! Vitor Belfort is one of those fighters that has been wildly inconsistent over the years, as he was originally one of the best around, then fell off, then kind of came back, then failed, then came back. People have been prepared to be disappointed with Belfort for ages now, but he has done a great job of keeping his name on the tip of fight fans’ tongues and showed exactly why tonight against Luke Rockhold.

Luke Rockhold, the former Strikeforce Middleweight Champion, is a tough, young fighter who was looking to make his mark on the UFC starting tonight. The thing is, Vitor Belfort wasn’t ready to let that happen just yet as he had a few new moves in his bag of tricks. The move that dropped jaws worldwide was the spinning back kick that connected flush on Rockhold’s jaw, flattening him and putting Vitor and his new Mullet Mohawk on the map.

There has been talk about the winner of this fight getting a shot at Anderson Silva, so don’t be shocked if we see Vitor get another shot at Anderson down the line. What would you guys think about that?


Dave Walsh

Managing Editor

Dave Walsh is a writer residing in Albuquerque, New Mexico who is best known for his work as a Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts journalist. His work has been featured on a number of publications, including,,,,, as well as his own site, His first novel, The Godslayer, is on sale now.