Oh Vitor, it wasn’t God who cleaned your system of PEDs, it was you not taking the PEDs that cleaned your system. We’re glad you tested (yourself) and now you’re clean, so why don’t you let us know who you’re fighting next, eh? Oh wait, he DOES! He wants to fight Weidman in July and take Machida’s spot. Pffffft.
“I did all the tests that Nevada requires,” said Belfort. “I did it on my own, and I passed them all. There is nothing in my system anymore. God has blessed me. I’m ready now, and I’m waiting.
“Since they canceled in May, there is nothing else to do. Give me what is mine.”
Belfort is not officially cleared by the NSAC yet, but he plans to meet with the commission soon to ask for a license.
“I’m doing it really soon,” he said. “The important is that I’m doing everything by the rules.”
Weidman vs. Machida is signed for UFC 175, so Belfort expects to fight the winner of this fight later in 2014, although he knows he might need to fight one more time before challenging the champion.
“Everything was an excuse to my opponents, and they won’t have it anymore,” he said. “It’s the opposite now, they will be at an advantage. (I used) TRT to be at their levels. They will lose now and won’t have any excuses.”