UFC 169: Brittney Palmer and Arianny Celeste Get Painted Up

Yeah, I’m not sure how to explain this one, nor do I think that you should really spend much time reading the text for this one. This is a video of Brittney Palmer and Arianny Celeste to promote UFC 169 by marketing the Super Bowl as a “freezing” event while UFC 169 is a “hot” event. How are they telling this to the world? By painting jerseys onto Brittney Palmer and Arianny Celeste, putting them in daisy dukes and nothing else.

So yeah, that’s one way to market UFC 169.


Dave Walsh

Managing Editor

Dave Walsh is a writer residing in Albuquerque, New Mexico who is best known for his work as a Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts journalist. His work has been featured on a number of publications, including BloodyElbow.com, MiddleEasy.com, CageSideSeats.com, Heavy.com, MMANuts.com, as well as his own site, LiverKick.com. His first novel, The Godslayer, is on sale now.