Tyrone Spong Reveals GLORY Contract is Up

We all heard over the weekend that Tyrone Spong was pumped up about the UFC fights in Dublin, Ireland and asked Dana White to give him a one-fight contract to fight in Dublin, but it seemed to be not in the cards considering how valuable of an asset he is to GLORY. We know for a fact that GLORY pays him well and that GLORY’s contracts do not allow for fights in the UFC, but is Tyrone Spong still under contract with them?

It appears that Tyrone Spong’s contract with GLORY may be up right now and it may not be one of those contracts that automatically extends, like others that we’ve heard of. Could Tyrone Spong be a free agent? Damn.


Dave Walsh

Managing Editor

Dave Walsh is a writer residing in Albuquerque, New Mexico who is best known for his work as a Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts journalist. His work has been featured on a number of publications, including BloodyElbow.com, MiddleEasy.com, CageSideSeats.com, Heavy.com, MMANuts.com, as well as his own site, LiverKick.com. His first novel, The Godslayer, is on sale now.