Patrick Cummins Considers Daniel Cormier Mentally Weak

Oh dear god, what has Patrick Cummins gotten himself into now? A week ago no one knew who Patrick Cummins was and now he has an upcoming fight against former Olympic wrestler and former Strikeforce Heavyweight Champion Daniel Cormier. The lead-up into the fight has been nothing short of insane as Patrick Cummins has taken his 15 minutes in the press and not only basked in it, but made a name for himself overnight. He went from a barista to a guy we are all anxiously awaiting to see get the crap beaten out of him by Daniel Cormier.

I guess he has that going for him, right? [source]

“His weakness is mental,” said Cummins. “A guy comes out there, doesn’t make weight for the Olympics. I mean, c’mon guys, that is about as mental of an issue as you can get.”