Overeem explains why he called out Brock Lesnar

Everyone wants Brock back. That much we know. I personally don’t think Brock should come back if he doesn’t want to, but it would probably be pretty damn cool to see a Brock vs. JDS/Roy Nelson or someone. I dunno about him fighting Overeem again though. Then again, that would be a money match. Am I right? Yeah.

Overeem hopped on Ariel Helwani’s show to talk the call-out:

“I believe I read somewhere that he wanted to come back, and that he believed he didn’t fight because of the health conditions and that it would have been different if he was healthy,” Overeem told host Ariel Helwani. “He was talking about maybe a comeback, and I thought he wanted to fight me because of his last fight, maybe a rematch. With Brock, you have to take it with a grain of salt.”