In 2013 there is more MMA than ever on our airwaves, so how do we separate the grain from the chaff? Well, for one, by reading this. You can’t be bothered with watching a boring event, you have a life, you need to get out there and explore the world. You may be addicted too MMA, but even the most hardcore addict can overdose. Let us break down the week in MMA for you, and guide you in the direction the MMA Gods would want. This is the MMANuts Guide to Your Week in MMA.
The end of March goes out on a bit of a wimper after the first three weeks of the month that were absolutely full of action, but we still have a few good hours of MMA action to keep us entertained. Let’s dive right in.
Last week we saw Kevin Casey quit on the stool vs. Bubba McDaniels due to a possible kidney problem (weight cut went bad?) in the wildcard match, now the quarterfinals are set after some deliberation between the teams.
• Team Jones’ Collin Hart vs. Team Sonnen’s Kelvin Gastelum
• Team Jones’ Dylan Andrews vs. Team Sonnen’s Luke Barnatt
• Team Jones’ Josh Samman vs. Team Sonnen’s Jimmy Quinlan
• Team Jones’ Robert “Bubba” McDaniel vs. Team Sonnen’s Uriah Hall
It worked out pretty well with each team going 50/50 with wins, eh?
While the opening rounds start to taper off, this is when the action in TUF starts to pick up. There is more on the line, better talent at the next stage of the tournament, and thus – better fights.
We said it was OK to skip the last few shows, but since it’s a light week, TUF season 17 episode 10 is worth a WATCH.
Thursday, March 28th.
Well, you can’t have every show be absolutely worth seeing. It took bellator about 8 weeks, but they are finally putting on a somewhat lackluster show here. Now, granted – there are two tournament semifinal matchups on this card, but it’s not with the biggest names:
All four of those fights have the potential to be fun, back and forth battles, but at the end of the day, when Emanuel Newton and Ronnie Mann are the big names on the card, it’s not that compelling.
I feel like dubbing this with a SKIP will automatically make this show completely awesome. I hope so.
Friday, March 29th
AXS TV Fights: Night of Champions.
It may be a clip show full of highlights from Dream, Bamma, Legacy Fighting and the IFL, but there’s nothing wrong with a clip show! In fact, this is the most guaranteed great night of MMA action, and it’s only detractor is that we’ve been bombarded with weekend after weekend of MMA after weekend of MMA, so…