Nooooooooo youuuuuuuuuu won’t. You won’t seriously shoot yourself in the face, Miesha. OK? If you lose, you’ll take you paycheck and go home. Admit it. You aren’t going to shoot yourself. You have too much to live for, Miesha… Going home to Bryan Caraway and all. Just cool it with the hyperbole, girl.
“For one, not being too emotional, I think that was the biggest problem last time was she got inside my head and she made me really, really angry. I just don’t think I feed well off of negative energy. I’d rather just be positive about it and just be happy. I love the sport, I love fighting and that to me is definitely the key to victory. Other than that, I think I possess all the skills to beat her, I think I just need to calm down a little bit and not go grabbing a hold of her and letting her just launch me into an armbar again. It was just really stupid.”
“I also need to stop the judo. I mean that’s another part of it. If she goes out there and throws me and she can’t armbar me, that’s a big part of the fight too. That’s what I’m going to do from now until December 28, it’s going to be an anti-judo camp.”
“It’s never too early to train and practice that gameplan over and over and over, I’m going to beat it into my skull if I have to. Swear to God, she’s not going to armbar me if it’s the last thing I do.”
“I will seriously shoot myself in the face before I leave that cage if she armbars me again. It can’t happen.”
And the great Miesha Tate shoot self in face watch begins.