Miesha Tate Uses Facebook to Harass Gas Station Employee

When you are a famous fighter you have a bit of clout when it comes to rallying your fans behind you, which is the case of Miesha Tate. Miesha Tate is one of the most popular women’s fighters in the UFC right now and has decided to take it upon herself to get a bit of revenge on a gas station attendant that she felt gave her a rough time.

Miesha Tate posted this rather long rant on her Facebook, which is fine, then posted the employee’s name and the telephone number of the gas station, urging her fans to call and harass the clerk for giving her a hard time. Yeah, I don’t know. One of the employees even posted in the comments that Gale wasn’t working today and to stop calling. [source]

Ok I have to vent (That’s what facebook is for right?) So I’m standing in line at the gas station to buy a spicy pickle and put the rest in the gas tank, when a fan of mine pops up and is like “oh my gosh Miesha how are you, great fight!!” I go on to thank him and its my turn at the register finally so I say clear as day to the lady, take to cost of the pickle out of the $60 and put the rest on pump 4 please” she looks at me annoyed brakes the money as th fan continues to ask if I will give him an autograph I smile politely and oblige. The lady goes on to help the next costume and I ask can I have my receipt please (which she should have given me in the first place but I didn’t have the chance to ask between her rush I and being cordial with my fan) so she frustratingly prints a receipt after letting me know how much check trouble that is for her. I say thanks and go to pump my gas where it is hailing outside and there’s no gas money on my pump… sooo I grab my receipt she gave me and its a receipt for cough drops… Im not amused so I walk back in through the hail again and flag her down to tell her this is the wrong receipt and she also did not put the gas money I gave her on pump #4. Should goes on to lecture me saying that I should wait to engage in conversation until after my transaction is complete. LOL!!! I said “where is your managers number I want to speak to him, you are very rude I am the customer I can do whatever I want and Im sorry that I am nice to my fans” Then she scoffed at me, gave me the run around for the phone number then finally gave me the store number where she is the only one working tonight, so I figured we could all give [redacted] a call an let her know how much we appreciate great customer service! [number redacted]