Miesha Tate to Pose Nude for ESPN The Magazine’s Body Issue

Miesha Tate will join the shortlist of MMA athletes who have been featured in ESPN the Magazine’s Body Issue, which is known for its artful, baby-oil-laden shots of nude athletes to highlight their bodies. The first that we saw from MMA was Gina Carano a few years ago, since then we’ve seen more female and male athletes, but of course, most of the interesting ones are the female ones.

Recently we saw Ronda Rousey featured in the Body Issue and this year it will be her upcoming challenger, Miesha Tate, who gets the ESPN the Magazine Body Issue treatment. While, sure, it might not satisfy all of your needs, it is still Miesha Tate posing nude, which everyone seems to be clamoring for.


Dave Walsh

Managing Editor

Dave Walsh is a writer residing in Albuquerque, New Mexico who is best known for his work as a Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts journalist. His work has been featured on a number of publications, including BloodyElbow.com, MiddleEasy.com, CageSideSeats.com, Heavy.com, MMANuts.com, as well as his own site, LiverKick.com. His first novel, The Godslayer, is on sale now.