Miesha Tate says Ronda Rousey isn’t an MMA fan

Well, technically it’s true, Ronda isn’t an MMA fan, she’s an MMA fighter, but whether she’s a fan of MMA fights is the question. Possibly no, or so says Miesha Tate.

While I find it interesting that this was really the first time the producers showed Ronda flipping me off, I really think the viewers are getting to see the real Ronda this season – and it’s not pretty. She’s got a great skillset and as an athlete she’s awesome. But she’s not interested in building female MMA, she’s interested in building Ronda MMA and then leaving for movies or something else.

She isn’t an MMA fan at heart. Shayna was the only fighter out of the 16 women who fought to get in the house that Ronda had heard of. The other girls, Ronda had no clue who they were, what they had done, where they had fought, nothing.

Does it matter that Ronda isn’t a fan? Should she be a flag carrying super fan, watching every fight? Has she even had the time? Is this fair?

What do you guys think?