Lyoto Machida vs. Phil Davis rumored for UFC 163 in Rio.

The fourth trip to Rio for the UFC will be a big one, with the rumored Lyoto Machida/Phil Davis possible humpfest ruining my night. Why was the Hendo/Machida fight even made? It was supposedly for the number one contendership to Jon Jones’ belt, now we get this at UFC 163.

Full disclosure, I’m a huge Machida fan, but what if Phil Davis wins? Is FOX manipulating title shots and rankings for ratings? What is with this nonsensical bull!? At least this only bolsters the increasingly awesome UFC 163, which have Vinny Magalhaes taking on Anthony Perosh, Koscheck and Maia it something sure to be a grapplefest. Obviously Pettis/Aldo will be spec-fucking-tacular, and the return of Thales Leites to take on Tom Watson is what it is.

Who is the number one contender? Gustaffson? Why?!??!?!