This past weekend at UFC 175 Joe Rogan stepped into the cage after Ronda Rousey made short work of Alexis Davis and asked her if she’d participate on August 2nd at UFC 176, at the urging from the production crew. Rousey seemed non-commital and a bit taken offguard, which made Dana White look incredibly upset. It turns out that Dana White didn’t approve this and it looked like, for a minute, that Joe Rogan was in hot water for asking that question. It turns out that things between Joe Rogan and Dana White are okay, though, but some guy in the truck probably lost his job.
Joe Rogan clarified on The UG. [source]
Just for the record Dana wasn’t pissed at me at all. I thought it was actually Dana’s idea when the producers interrupted me to get me to ask that question when I was trying to wrap up the interview.
It’s incredibly rare that the guys in the truck ever ask me to ask a specific question.
He was upset that someone overstepped their bounds and decided it would be a good idea to ask Ronda to fight again in a month.Decisions like that always come from Dana and Lorenzo, so when a producer thought it would be a good idea to ask Ronda that before consulting them he was really pissed off.