Full Cast Revealed for Fight Master: Bellator MMA

With the dwindling success of the UFC’s The Ultimate Fighter it seems questionable for Spike TV to try to have lightning strike twice with MMA-related reality shows, but it is too late now to say “this might not be a good idea,” as Fight Master: Bellator MMA has been fully cast and is ready for its June 19th debut on Spike TV. Fight Master: Bellator MMA is set to be an interesting affair with recognizable names in the world of MMA as the coaches on the show; Randy Couture, Greg “Sportkiller” Jackson, Joe Warren and Frank Shamrock.

The full cast for the show has been revealed, with an interesting mix of up-and-comers and well-known Welterweights in the mix. Here’s the full list from MMAJunkie.

Marcus “Lelo” Aurelio
Age: 26
Record: 6-2
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Nick Barnes
Age: 22
Record: 5-0
San Diego

Eric Bradley
Age: 31
Record: 5-1
Las Vegas

Mike Bronzoulis
Age: 34
Record: 15-5-1

Frank Carrillo
Age: 29
Record: 6-3

Darryl Cobb
Age: 32
Record: 6-6
East St. Louis, Mo.

Christopher Curtis
Age: 25
Record: 7-2

Evan Cutts
Age: 22
Record: 5-1

Mike Dubois
Age: 30
Record: 3-0
Thomasville, Ga.

Tom Gallicchio
Age: 26
Record: 16-8
Howell, N.J.

Ismael Gonzalez
Age: 32
Record: 11-10
Los Angeles

Gareth Joseph
Age: 28
Record: 9-5
San Diego

Chris Lozano
Age: 30
Record: 9-3

AJ Matthews
Age: 24
Record: 5-2
Carlsbad, Calif.

Rob Mills
Age: 35
Record: 8-2
Newcastle, United Kingdom

Steve Montgomery
Age: 22
Record: 3-1
Florence, S.C.

Chip Moraza-Pollard
Age: 24
Record: 7-4
Plymouth, Mass.

Brett Nakamura
Age: 30
Record: 6-1
Maui, Hawaii

Jason Norwood
Age: 28
Record: 12-3
Fort Hood, Texas

Dom O’Grady
Age: 31
Record: 15-5-1

Jacob Ortiz
Age: 31
Record: 8-4
San Manuel, Ariz.

Josh Quayhagen
Age: 26
Record: 6-1
Lake Charles, La.

Joe Riggs
Age: 30
Record: 39-14

Eric Scallan
Age: 27
Record: 11-4
Lafayette, La.

Cristiano Souza
Age: 30
Record: 5-0
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Brendan Tierney
Age: 37
Record: 10-5
Queens, N.Y.

Bryan Travers
Age: 29
Record: 13-3
Bakersfield, Calif.

Andy Uhrich
Age: 27
Record: 8-3
Gering, Neb.

Tim Welch
Age: 22
Record: 8-4
Great Falls, Mont.

Cole Williams
Age: 30
Record: 5-1
Darian, Wisc.

Joe Williams
Age: 27
Record: 7-1
Tustin, Calif.

Artenas Young
Age: 32
Record: 9-5



Dave Walsh

Managing Editor

Dave Walsh is a writer residing in Albuquerque, New Mexico who is best known for his work as a Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts journalist. His work has been featured on a number of publications, including BloodyElbow.com, MiddleEasy.com, CageSideSeats.com, Heavy.com, MMANuts.com, as well as his own site, LiverKick.com. His first novel, The Godslayer, is on sale now.