Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports
Spike TV continues with its combat sports television by creating a new show called “Gym Rescue,” melding together two genres; MMA and stars going into poorly run establishments to lend a hand. You’ve seen Gordon Ramsey yell at restaurateurs, you’ve seen homes renovated, you’ve seen hotels scrutinized and now you’ll see gyms get the same treatment from two MMA legends in Randy Couture and Frank Shamrock.
The three-episode test run of Gym Rescue is set to begin on August 10th on Spike TV with Randy Couture and Frank Shamrock hitting up a different gym each episode, not just focusing on MMA gyms, but also yoga studios and military-style boot camps, whatever that is. So don’t forget to tune in on Sunday, August 10th at 9pm Eastern time to check out Spike’s latest foray into MMA reality television with Gym Rescue featuring Frank Shamrock and Randy Couture.