Former WWE Employee Jim Ross Interested in Working for the UFC

If there was ever anything not shocking it would be Jim Ross finally coming clean with his desire to work in the MMA world. This has actually been going on for years now, with him looking to first break into doing play-by-play for a major MMA organization, but with the UFC’s broadcast team pretty much static as Goldberg and Rogan for years, with them bringing on fighters like Kenny Florian for smaller shows, it just wasn’t meant to be. There was also talk of him joining the AXS TV team, but it seems like nothing ever came of that, shame.

Well, in a new interview with Good Ole’ JR he talks about how he’d actually enjoy working in talent relations again, this time for the UFC. With UFC being where it is now and with how much experience Jim Ross has in this, I’d say they’d be stupid not to hire him, but then again, it’s the UFC and they kind of do as they please.

“The most challenging part to me would be to engage in talent development, recruiting the right kind of people for the organization,” said Ross, while speaking with Ariel Helwani. “Any entity like the UFC, the NFL, WWE, it starts with its talent. It starts and ends there. Talent is the reason the people pay to engage in the product.”

“The most challenging thing would be to work with talent,” he said. “That could be a lot of fun.  You want personality traits, athleticism, and dedication.”