Fedor Emelianenko vs Mark Coleman full fight

Fedor Emelianenko vs Mark Coleman full fight

Fedor Emelianenko vs Mark Coleman at Pride FC Total Elimination 2004 taking place on April 25th, 2004. Fedor wins via armbar in the 2nd round.

Fight starts at 36:35

Rating: 6 out of 10

Fedor Emelianenko has a 35-4 record. In fights that he wins, Fedor finishes his opponent 80% of the time. 17 of those wins from submissions and 11 via KO’s. 3 of his losses are from KO’s and 1 via submission.

Mark Coleman retied with a record of 16-10. In fights that he won, Coleman finished his opponent 75% of the time. 8 of those wins are from submissions and 4 via KO. In fights that Coleman lost, 5 are from submission, 3 are from KO/TKO and 2 and from decisions.

Fedor Emelianenko is scheduled to fight Fabio Maldonado on June 17th.



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