Fedor Emelianenko vs Kevin Randleman

Fedor Emelianenko vs Kevin Randleman

Fedor Emelianenko vs Kevin Randleman at Pride FC Critical Countdown on June 20th, 2004. Randleman lands the Suplex heard around the world. Fedor wins via Kimura in the 1st Round.

Rating: 9.5 out of 10

Fedor Emelianenko has a record of 35-4. In fights that he wins, he finishes his opponent 80% of the time. 17 of those wins from submission and 11 via KO/TKO. In fights that Fedor has lost, 3 are from KO/TKO and 1 from submission.

Kevin Randleman had a record of 17-16. In fights that he won, he finished his opponent 53% of the time. 5 of those wins coming from KO/TKO and 4 via submission. In fights that Kevin lost, 8 were from sub, 4 from KO/TKO and 4 from decision. Kevin passed away on 2/11/2016.

Fedor Emelianenko is scheduled to fight Fabio Maldonado on June 17th, 2016.