Dana White Explains GSP’s Announcement: A Mall Opening

Oh man, L. O. L. on every level here. There has been talk about GSP having a press conference this Friday in Canada and according to Dana White the big announcement is going to be, get this, a mall opening. Yes, GSP will follow in a long line of athletes making personal appearances at events that are kind of goofy by being there for a mall grand opening. Leave it to Dana White to pooh-pooh the MMA Media’s excitement like this, but then again, I’m glad I don’t have to hear about this anymore. [source]

“This thing was planned for months — he’s going to the opening of a mall and he’s signing autographs for fans…. I’m not saying he might not have something to say … he might, but it’s no crazy announcement like everyone was saying earlier,” he said. “There’s no doubt I had a bit of a meltdown at the last press conference, but who has said more positive things about Georges St-Pierre in the last 13 years than me? Seriously.

“Georges St-Pierre never said to me that he is thinking about retiring … never,” he said. “The retirement word never came out of his mouth…. I don’t think that he’s going to retire, but I do know that he wants some time off, which is an issue — he just had over a year off for his ACL surgery.”


Dave Walsh

Managing Editor

Dave Walsh is a writer residing in Albuquerque, New Mexico who is best known for his work as a Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts journalist. His work has been featured on a number of publications, including BloodyElbow.com, MiddleEasy.com, CageSideSeats.com, Heavy.com, MMANuts.com, as well as his own site, LiverKick.com. His first novel, The Godslayer, is on sale now.