Cris Cyborg Aiming For a Fall 135lbs Debut

Cris Cyborg moving to 135lbs to fight Ronda Rousey seems to be the only real fight that anyone wants to see in the UFC women’s Bantamweight division right now, so it seems that Cris Cyborg is going to make the trek down to 135lbs later this year to try to make that happen. The question is, of course, if she can do that, as we should point out that Cris Cyborg is a large woman. [source]

After Friday, her schedule is for a May MMA fight in Invicta at 145 pounds, a July return to Muay Thai with Lion Fights, also at 145, and then making 135 for the first time for an Invicta fight in either August or September.

She said if it was up to her, she’d like to fight every two months, and if there’s an opening, she’s also up for competing in jiu-jitsu tournaments this year.

“I (will) try to make 135,” she said. “I will try. I think it’s very important to make 135 so I can fight for the belt, and because I want to keep that weight class because there are more girls I can fight. I can fight a superfight. I’m already the champ at 145 (she holds the featherweight title with Invicta). I don’t want to be selfish. I want one more belt. If I can fight at 135 for the belt, it’s okay. I can fight at 145 and be more healthy. But it’s not possible at 145 or a catch weight because Ronda is running from me. If I make 135, Ronda can’t run.”

Cris Cyborg Justino fights tonight at 10pm Eastern time on AXS TV for Lion Fight 14.


Dave Walsh

Managing Editor

Dave Walsh is a writer residing in Albuquerque, New Mexico who is best known for his work as a Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts journalist. His work has been featured on a number of publications, including,,,,, as well as his own site, His first novel, The Godslayer, is on sale now.