Countdown to UFC 168: Silva vs. Weidman II

UFC 168 is a staggering two days away, smack dab in the center of what most people consider the holiday season; after Christmas and before New Year’s. I guess that is the perfect time for UFC 168, when you are spending time with your friends and family, possibly getting time off from your work or school obligations (ha!) and gathered around the fireplace discussing Chris Weidman’s haircut. Blessed times, indeed.

Check out UFC’s UFC 168 countdown special for Anderson Silva vs. Chris Weidman II here while you wait in line at Best Buy to return that awful thing some distant relative bought for you. It’s okay, we all know the feeling.



Dave Walsh

Managing Editor

Dave Walsh is a writer residing in Albuquerque, New Mexico who is best known for his work as a Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts journalist. His work has been featured on a number of publications, including,,,,, as well as his own site, His first novel, The Godslayer, is on sale now.