Brian Stann Still Unhappy with MMA’s Drug Testing System

Brian Stann has a pretty good gig right now, he works as an analyst for Fox Sports when they have UFC events and comes across as an educated, likable guy. For a former fighter, that is a pretty big deal and a sweet place to be in. That doesn’t mean that Brian Stann doesn’t have regrets from his fighting career, in fact, he has regrets and thoughts about drug testing and drug use in MMA. Who doesn’t, right? It seems that Brian Stann thinks that the current testing is just not cutting it. [source]

“I think the time when you retire coming off a loss and then you say that, what I didn’t want to do was discredit any of my former opponents. You know, specifically seeing that Wanderlei (Silva) was my last fight, I didn’t want to come off like, ‘Hey, I’m making excuses. The only people that beat me were people on drugs.’ I don’t know any of that for a certainty. There’s one time when I fought a guy on TRT when it was allowed, and that’s the only time that I could say substantially somebody was taking something. But, it was a factor. I’m a clean fighter. I’m 33 years old, and I have seen, in my own training, and in talking and knowing guys in the inner circle, I’ve known what guys are not on, and when they cycle on it. You can feel the difference in the gym and what big a difference it makes, and I do think there are a number of guys who are using just because the testing currently by our athletic commissions is inadequate.”