BJ Penn talks about another comeback on Fuel TV.

Dear BJ Penn,

Please don’t come back, unless it’s at 155 at least. Also: don’t come back because you think you need to prove anything. Thirty years from now you will still be considered one of the greatest fighters to walk the planet. You will always be amazing, don’t fight half-hearted, I don’t want to see the Rory MacDonald fight ever again.


Jason Nawara


Jason Nawara figured out a way to make a living discussing the things he loves most in life; MMA, football and videogames. For that, he'll forever be eternally grateful. Aside from writing on the Nuts, you may have read his MMA/Videogame coverage on, or followed him on Twitter @JasonNawara. Jason covers horror games for the massively popular, and he's a Community Manage and NFL beat writer for Topps' Huddle app. Reach out and touch him. He likes it when he's touched.