It’s kind of a bummer that Bigfoot Silva vs. Mark Hunt has so quickly been tarnished by the TRT bug that seems to be plaguing MMA right now. Antonio Bigfoot Silva was instructed by his doctor that his testosterone levels were low and to take more shots of TRT in preparation for his fight with Mark Hunt. Of course, this is what prompted a positive test for Bigfoot Silva, who is now furious about the situation, hell, he wants to sue the doctor. [source]
“I took a shot at the same day he sent me that e-mail, and he asked me if I had another one to take with me to Australia, to take on fight week,” he said. “He authorized everything. I did exactly as I was informed to do.
“You go get help with a doctor, you do the right thing, and now this story tarnishes my professional career,” he continued. “It tarnishes the great fight I did with Mark Hunt, and gave me a huge financial loss. The doctor knows that I cut weight, he knows how the body of a MMA fighter reacts. He should know at what level I would be with one shot. I felt like a lab rat. I did everything I was told to do and now I’m the cheater.”