It’s 2013 and Mirko Cro Cop Just Tapped to a Neck Crank in Russia

Fans of Mirko Cro Cop are going to have to keep their make believe hats on for a little bit longer as Mirko Cro Cop was just submitted by a move that I haven’t seen work since the early days of MMA, a neck crank. I’m serious. This was some straight up Dan Severn stuff going on at LEGEND 2: Invasion in Russia this afternoon, as Mirko Cro Cop was initially supposed to fight Aleks Emelianenko, but instead ended up fighting Alexey Oleinik when Aleks went to prison for beating up an elderly man in a coffee shop last week.

You can’t make this stuff up. You just can’t. Here is a GIF from ZProphet as evidence.