MMA Fighters and their alter egos as Superheroes and Villains (Part 3)

1. Jon Jones as Frozone
Jones Frozone water

2. Cat Zingano as Elektra
Cat Elektra water

3. Bas Rutten as Dr. Manhattan
Rutten Mahattan Water

4. Urijah Faber as Dudley Do-Right
Faber doright water

5. Ivan Menjivar as Megamind
menjivar megamind water

6. Jake Ellenberger as Juggernat
Ellenberger Jug water

7. Josh Koscheck as The Greatest American Hero
Koshcheck greatest american hero water

8. Ross Pearson’s Stub Foot as Honey Boo Boo’s Mom
Pearson foot Honey Boo water


Matt Griffith

Producer and Co-Host of the weekly MMANUTS MMA Podcast. Watched the first UFC live on PPV back in 1993 and I’ve been hooked since. I’ve been training in Wrestling, Tae Kwon Do, Boxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Krav Maga, and Muay Thai at one time or another over the past 20+ years. Diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2003 and been living on a gluten free diet ever since.