The Legend of Zelda Wii U is no longer scheduled to release this year, Nintendo has announced. The game will not be shown during this year’s E3, either, which is also disappointed.
“Since I declared at the Game Awards in December that the game would launch in 2015, the directors and the many members of the development team have been working hard developing the game,” producer Eiji Aonuma explained in a video released over the weekend. “In these last three months, as the team has experienced first-hand the freedom of exploration that hasn’t existed in any Zelda game to date, we have discovered several new possibilities for this game.
“As we have worked to turn these possibilities into reality, new ideas have continued to spring forth, and it now feels like we have the potential to create something that exceeds my own expectations.
“So, I must apologise to all of you who were expecting the game by year’s end, but we are no longer making a 2015 release our number one priority. Instead, our priority is to make it the ultimate and most complete Zelda game.
“I hope to use the added time to make a Zelda on Wii U that will reward you for your patience, so thank you for your continued support.”