Raptr Gets Hacked, Suggests You Change Your Passwords

Raptr, the video game-themed social networking site was hacked, so if you have an account, the company suggests you change any passwords you may have been using with the site.

“We’re very sorry to inform you that some Raptr user data may have been recently compromised in an attack similar to hacking activities that have targeted other high-profile sites and services such as Xbox Live and Sony’s PlayStation Network.” Raptr Founder and CEO Dennis Fong said.  Fong explained that while the passwords it stores are hashed, user names, email addresses, passwords, and first and last names may have been accessed.

“Although the potential risk to Raptr users is pretty minimal, we urge you to access any accounts on other sites and services in which you use the same login and password associated with your Raptr account and change the related password(s) immediately,” Fong said.

Finally, Fong explained that since the system for redeeming Raptr Reward Point uses a two-factor authentication, any points you earned as a Raptr member are protected.