Part 2 of Dragon Age: Inquisition’s E3 Demo Footage Released

Part 2 of Dragon Age: Inquisition’s E3 Demo Footage Released

If you missed out on E3 this year, and didn’t get a chance to check out Dragon Age: Inquisition on the show floor, Bioware has uploaded the full E3 demo for your viewing pleasure.  Dave posted the first 16 minutes of the stage demo earlier  in the week, so make sure you check that footage out before you watch the second part.

The first part featured commentary from creative director Mike Laidlaw, where he explained how this will be the biggest game that they have ever made. In the second part below, Laidlaw walks you through a rescue mission and the confrontation of “a dangerous adversary,” highlighting some vague story elements  You can clearly see that Leliana has made a return, and she’s a lot more detailed than before.  You can thank an improved engine and some new hardware for that.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is out October 7 for PC, PlayStation 3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.


Sam Kulii


Just a guy who likes to write...