New Destiny Update Goes Live

Bungie has pushed through a new update today for Destiny, the patch that was aimed to fix Atheon went live earlier today.  Bungie has put bumpers in place to keep Atheon from being knocked of the ledge, which the developer said was a frustrating bug for players.  Other changes include Atheon’s target selection, which means the boss will now randomly target players to teleport during the raid’s final encounter, instead of whoever’s farthest away from him like in the past.  You can check out the patch notes below.

This update makes Destiny a more stable experience for all players. We’re also changing the player experience in the Raid to ensure that the activity provides an endgame challenge that meets project goals for the intended level of difficulty.
  • Fixed an issue in which multiple errors reported with Zebra error codes
  • Errors previously reporting as Zebra will now display as their own separate codes
  • Fixed a rare issue related to being Kicked To Login repeatedly
  • Fixed a rare issue that resulted in a Kick To Orbit reported with the Cockatoo error code
  • Fixed an issue where some players would occasionally be erroneously kicked at the beginning of an activity due to a server error
  • Increased protection against account corruption
  • Fixed an issue where Atheon was not choosing random targets for teleport through the timestream during the final encounter on the Vault of Glass
  • Fixed an exploit where Atheon could be forced off his platform


Sam Kulii


Just a guy who likes to write...