Microsoft has unannounced Xbox One titles due for release this Christmas

Microsoft still has unannounced Xbox One titles due for release this Christmas, marketing director Aaron Greenberg has teased.

“I think this year coming up you’ll see [what will] arguably be one of the biggest holiday line-ups we’ve ever had in the history of our business,” Greenberg said on the latest episode of The Inner Circle Podcast. “You know some of the titles that are coming, there’s definitely more we haven’t announced.

“Here we are in February and already this holiday we will have exclusively on Xbox One: Tomb Raider, Forza Motorsport 6, we will have Fable Legends – console exclusive, that’s also going to be on PC which we’re excited about – and… Halo 5: Guardians.

“Those are just a few and that doesn’t include any other big third-party titles or any other surprises we have internally, but I think it’s going to be a great, great holiday for gamers and I think we’re confident we’re going to deliver high quality games again this year.”

Source: The Inner Circle Special: Games, Marketing & Xbox talk w/ Aaron Greenberg


Sam Kulii


Just a guy who likes to write...