With EA getting prepped to release their latest FIFA title next month, EA has already spilled the beans on the next couple of iterations of one of the most popular sports titles ever. This isn’t too surprising seeing as how the base foundation and gameplay don’t drastically change each year, but it’s still a bit weird to hear EA discuss future games. In an interview with CVG, Moore shared insight into the publisher’s development process for the series.
“There are two phases to [development]. There’s the core game itself. We have several hundred people working on that and it’s a staggered development process, so there are already people working on FIFA 16. I think some people have the misconception that you finish the game and the entire team goes off for two weeks before starting on the next game, which isn’t how it works.”
Moore goes on to note that, “in some instances”, planning is also being made for FIFA 17.
“You have parallel development that goes on where you have frontrunners that are thinking about what FIFA 16 is and in some instances FIFA 17 because there are development and engineering and tech decisions that need to be made.”