Bloodborne load times to be improved in upcoming patch

A new title update is in development for Bloodborne that will help improve load times, Sony has announced.

In a statement provided to IGN, Sony explained that From Software is “currently exploring another patch for Bloodborne, seeking ways to improve load time duration, in addition to other performance optimisations and miscellaneous bug fixes.

“We will provide more information as soon as possible.”

Bloodborne’s lengthy load times have been one of the most criticized elements of this Friday’s action-RPG, along with other performance-related issues, including framerate.  Besides that however, the game has been received very well by critics.  A release date for the patch has not been released as of yet, but it may not take as long as we’ve grown accustomed to seeing with recent patches and updates.  The game is still very playable, and it’s easily one of the best games I’ve played this year.


Sam Kulii


Just a guy who likes to write...